Our Founding Philosophy

Collective Mind

The business philosophy of our Group stems from the collective mind of our founders and it is based on a culture of cooperation and collective decision-making. The diversity of our employees and our stakeholders strengthens our collective mind. We enrich our collective mind by embracing different ideas and competencies and combining them with our experience from the past. We conduct our business with collective mind, we decide together and we build our future together with our collective mind.

Human Focus, Fair and Egalitarian, Sustainability, Volunteering, Innovation, Continuous Development

We Always Focus on Human

In the foundations of our management perspective and stakeholder relations, there is always a human-oriented approach. We respect our people, esteem and support their ideas. We invest in the development of our employees and recognize their needs to provide a desirable working environment for them. We always prioritize quality and endeavour to present our people the best in every area.

We Manage Our Business With a Fair and Egalitarian Approach

Our group is formed by reliable, honest, ethical and responsible individuals. Our companies adopt a fair and egalitarian approach in all their activities, decisions and implementations in and out of their organizations. We do not allow discrimination on any subject. We are transparent and accountable in all our actions. We take possession and responsibility of our business.

We Lead Innovation With Our Entrepreneurial Spirit

With an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, we always support innovation and embrace change. We work with passion and excitement to grow and develop our business. We encourage our employees to be creative and empower them to experiment. We endeavor to keep up with change and be a pioneer in new developments. With a visionary perspective, we make future-oriented investments.

We Strive To Produce Value In a Sustainable Manner

In all our operations, we strive to produce value in a sustainable manner for our world and our stakeholders. In addition to the economic value we produce, we are always involved in activities that will create positive impact on social and environmental areas. Our principal mission is to fulfil our responsibility to carry our people and our society forward and leave a better world to the future generations.